The Foundation
Governing bodies
Organizational chart
The Foundation
The Statute
The Foundation is a not-for-profit, non-denominational and non-partisan organization with exclusive public utility purposes, and is established for the pursuit of civic, solidarity and social utility goals through activities of general interest as referred to in art. 5 of Italian Legislative Decree 117/2017.
Governing bodies
and Organizational chart
Stefano Buono
Nuclear physicist and entrepreneur, Buono began his career at CERN collaborating with Nobel Prize laureate Carlo Rubbia. He is president of various organizations, as well as co-founder of Elysia Capital and Elysia Productions. He is also founder and CEO of newcleo, a company committed to the development of new-generation nuclear reactors.
Maribel Lopera Sierra
Founder and Vice President
A former professional ballerina and nuclear medicine physician, Lopera Sierra contributed to the development and registration of the first radio-receptor therapy to treat cancer. She co-founded Elysia Capital and Elysia Productions.
Viviana Lanzetti
Passionate about communication in every form, Lanzetti has over fifteen years of experience in marketing, communication and CSR projects with a particular focus on social impact.
Luca Alemani
Secretary General
An accountant with thirty years of experience in the support of entrepreneurial activities, Alemanni constantly contributes to the success and advancement of the Third Sector with his professional services and solidarity.
Maria Luisa Fassero
Control Body
An accountant for over forty years, Fassero has specific skills and knowledge in the corporate and fiscal fields, in the nonprofit sector and in the context of public organizations and companies.
Martina Permegian
Communication Specialist
After an education in the humanities, Parmegian continues to practice her talent for writing and communication, focusing above all on social media.